According to the ASPCA, about 1.5 million dogs and cats are put to sleep in shelters across America simply because they cannot find a home. In the 1980s, this number was 10 million. Spay and neuter operations are a big reason for this decline. Our veterinarians at Ina Road Animal Hospital in Tucson would like to look at the facts about spaying or neutering your pet.
Making Your Pet Healthier
If a female puppy gets spayed by a veterinarian before her first heat, her chances of developing mammary tumors plummet by over 99 percent. When male puppies are neutered, their chances of developing hormone-related medical problems like perianal adenoma significantly drop. Both sexes in dogs and cats will no longer be at risk of getting cancer in the reproductive organs after being fixed.
Helping Your Pet’s Behavior
One reason why spayed and neutered pets live longer is that they do not have the urge to escape the home to find mates. When pets roam, they often get hit by traffic, get seriously injured in fights with other animals, and get sick from eating something they find during their travels. Male dogs and cats become less aggressive. Male cats become less prone to spraying their homes with urine to mark their territory.
When Can Spaying or Neutering Be Done?
Puppies and kittens can be spayed or neutered by a veterinarian when they are five or six months of age, as long as they are healthy.
Contact Our Veterinarians in Tucson, AZ
If you have recently welcomed a new furry family member into your home and would like more information about spaying or neutering services in Tucson, contact our veterinarians at Ina Road Animal Hospital. Call our team today at (520) 544-7700 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.